Yearly thesis awards
Every year, in the period of October-November the Bekader Thesis Awards are held. All students that graduated for their master are eligable as candidates. A jury selects the three most interesting theses from both the Business Administration and Industrial Engineering & Management programmes. On the night itself, the audience votes who takes home which prize.
Thesis Awards 2023
Business Administration:
- Lotte van Dijk: Unintended Outcomes of Artificial Intelligence in Online Advertising.
- Yuka Yanagawa: How can businesses reframe insects as food? A case study of a restaurant in Berlin.
- Nathan de Bruijn: Exploring new procedures to deal with time-varying relationships in forecasting: A study in the context of forecasting youth unemployment with Google searches.
Industrial Engineering& Management:
- Josien Mourik: Reducing unused medication at Isala Zwolle by redistribution
- Rutger Habets: Sweet Inventory Management: An Optimization Study of Perfetti Van Melle's Inventory Policy in Vietnam
- Jaap Beltman: Developing an Early Warning System for Retail Customer Deterioration: A Data-Driven Approach

Thesis Awards 2022
Business Administration:
- Leander Borggreve
- Ayleen Meyer
- Florian Winter
Industrial Engineering& Management:
- Thymen van der Poll
- Diede Boerman

Thesis Awards 2021
Business Administration:
- Daphne de Vos
- Arjan Woolderik & Frank Stegehuis
Industrial Engineering& Management:
- Sven van Relijveld
- Kevin Geevers
Stijn Vreriks